Bingo Articles
Bingo Number Calling
Although these numbers are amusing and each has its own story, most professional bingo halls do not use them.
November 8, 2009
About Bingo
Bingo is a game of chance where randomly-selected numbers are drawn and players match those numbers to those printed on cards.
November 8, 2009
Birth of Bingo
The true origin of bingo dates back as far as the mid 16th century and is connected, strangely enough to the unification of Italy in 1530. This unification saw the introduction of a National lottery system, known as “Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia” held each week. Interestingly, this lottery is today a major source of income to the government, contributing over 75 million dollars each year to the budget.
November 8, 2009
Latest Bingo News
- Discover variety and fun at Ritzy Bingo
- Add Thrills and Spills to Your Life with Online Bingo
- Online bingo portals open the doors to winning
- Top 10 players get rewarded each month at Gina Bingo
- Stay warm indoors with online bingo